It’s ok to rest

  • Are you exhausted? Not necessarily physically, but emotionally or spiritually?
  • Do you wonder how to stay motivated when things get hard?
  • Have you started to doubt the purpose/calling God placed on your life because of obstacles?

I am intentional about what I share on social media. My purpose is to uplift, encourage, equip, inspire, and empower. Therefore, my posts can lead those who aren’t intimate with me to believe that I have it all figured out and have it all together. While I may have quite a bit figured out, I am far from having it all figured out. There are times in life where the truth in the scriptures don’t seem to match with my experiences. During those times, I continue to stand on the truth of the God, but recognize that there is something I’m not getting. Scary for some, exciting for me.

As a marathon runner, I am all too familiar with the vast array of experiences, emotions, and even weather someone can encounter on one single run. Even with all the training in the world, we encounter moments during the run that were unforeseen and there are times where we apply what we have learned, but nothing seems to work. All that can be done is to rest and try again another day.

While running one day, God spoke to my heart about why I was able to understand the journey of life so well. I was a runner. I was designed to be a runner. I was created to do better with endurance than sprinting. Not only in running, but in all things life. Working with the same employer for 20 years is one example of that.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.

Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

In this passage Paul tells us that God has set a race before us. He never said it was going to be easy or that our training would eliminate every obstacle. As a matter of fact, he stated the opposite. In the next verse Paul beautifully informs us how we can complete our race. His guidance is to observe how Jesus ran His. Jesus’ race included a cross; one He would carry up a hill to His own execution; one He would be nailed to; one He would hang on until He took His last breathe. Jesus never gave up. He continued His journey all the way through and Paul is sharing with us how Jesus did it, so that we, too, can run the race God has set before us.

We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.

Hebrews 12:2

God has set a race before you. I like to call it a “journey”. You will have great moments during the journey, but you will also have very difficult moments. Some of these tough moments, you may cause yourself because you didn’t apply your training properly (such as fueling, resting, etc), but some tough moments will come from obstacles. You will overcome obstacles with ease, but there will be obstacles that aren’t as easy to get past.

How do we get the strength and determination to keep moving when the obstacles are tough?

Set your eyes upon the joy awaiting you. The journey (race) God has set before you has a purpose. I can say confidently that the purpose for your journey is one that fulfills your soul. I can also confidently say that if you are a Jesus-lover, Jesus is a part of that purpose, so there will always be joy and fulfillment in it.

When the journey gets tough and you find yourself standing in front of a huge obstacle that looks impossible or too hard to get through, keep your eyes on the joy of your purpose; keep your eyes on Jesus. He will make a way when there is no way. He will give you strength when you feel weak. When you are down, He will renew your joy in the morning.

If you are reading this today and find yourself exhausted with no strength to keep on, do not feel shame about that.

Remember, this is not a sprint.

  • It’s ok to take a break.
  • Don’t ignore your wounds; take a look at them and allow the Holy Spirit to place the necessary balm and dress your them.
  • Fuel on His words; eat them up.
  • Take a moment to rest.
  • Allow God to renew your strength.
  • Keep your eyes on the joy set before you; Jesus & your purpose.

If you ever need prayer, feel free to leave a comment or head over to the Contact page and send me an email. I’d be happy to pray for you. You aren’t alone.

with love,



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